Walters Way Publishing
As exciting as it must be to have a long distance relationship, I find it hard to believe that they are sustainable. I get that it’s probably more exciting to speak to them when you do because of the distance between you and it’s probably even more exciting when you eventually reunite. Everyone’s feelings are magnified due to them being more out of reach. As they say absence makes the heart grow fonder. But how is it possible to sustain the same level of intimacy, love, care and effort that is needed for a successful relationship when your partner spends the majority of their time in a completely different jurisdiction than you? Personally, I can barely date a guy who lives more than a 45-minute drive away from me so I’m not sure how a long distance relationship is sustainable. What do you think?
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I’ve composed a list of the top 5 attributes which are needed to have a successful relationship and funnily enough, love doesn’t come into it at all. They are in no particular order as I believe they are all important. What are your top 5 attributes?
So today, I want to address a particular view on relationships or as fabulous once put it, “The entree ain’t as good without something on the side.” When it comes to sides, I’m not talking about the extras that you order at a restaurant. I’m talking about the extra people you have relationships with, to compliment your main squeeze. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for sides at a restaurant; usually due to my particular diet. I’m forever ordering sides upon sides to make up a meal. But when it comes to relationships, I see things a little differently. What do you think?
Great Sex is More Mental Than Physical.4/10/2019 I wanted to speak about something that I have been thinking about. I feel that great sex is more mental than physical. Don’t get me wrong, anyone can have great sex if they’re touched in the right spots. Even if they’re blind-folded, you’re going to climax if you’re touched in the right way. But great sex is something different. It’s more than physiology, it’s the mental connection which makes it great. What do you think?
Monogamy is Played Out13/9/2019 I wanted to speak on something that has been sitting on my chest for a minute but Monogamy is played out. I blame fairy tales for this. When we’re growing up, we read all these stories about young boys and young girls falling in love and getting married, when in reality, it doesn’t work like that. How is it possible to find one person who you fall in love with and live with them for the rest of your life without your eyes swaying to and fro? What do you think?
Let’s be honest, there’s definitely something exciting about the thought of going to the strip club. All those cheeks clapping, penises flying, chiselled abs and thighs to die for. And there’s always that essence of arousal in the air; all mixed in with the odour of sweat. You’ll probably end up leaving with your panties moist or you standing with three legs; unless you’ve already had the chance to deal with it. But how far is too far at the strip club when you’re in an exclusive relationship? What do you think? Well, I’ll let you know my thoughts.
Let me be clear. When it comes to vacation sex, I’m not talking about getting freaky with bae or someone you’ve been previously been getting to know. I’m talking about getting down and dirty with someone you’ve met whilst abroad. I’m sure that idea has at least crossed the minds of both singletons and those taken; sometimes before you've even stepped foot off the plane. Yes, it sounds like something thrilling to tick off the bucket list but it can also end up being your biggest regret. Is there anything that bad with a bit of vacation sex? What do you think? Well, I’ll let you know my thoughts.
D.J. WaltersSensational author of the erotically thrilling series, The Vacation Lodge. Categories |